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- 越野 一博先生

越野 一博教授
Kazuhiro Koshino
- 所属:
- 経営情報学部 システム情報学科
- 職名:
- 教授
- 経歴・業績
- メッセージ
- 研究分野
- 専門及び研究内容
- 略歴
1996年3月 東北大学理学部物理学科 卒業
1998年3月 東北大学大学院 博士前期課程 理学研究科物理学専攻 修了
1998年4月 株式会社ソフコム(社員)
2003年3月 北見工業大学大学院 博士後期課程 システム工学専攻 修了
2003年4月 国立循環器病研究センター 研究所 画像診断医学部(研究員、室長など)
2019年4月~ 北海道情報大学 経営情報学部(准教授)
- 学位
- 主な研究業績
・Comparative analysis of peri-nidal cerebral blood flow and metabolism using a novel quantitative 15O-PET method in patients with arteriovenous malformations. Daisuke Maruyama, Hidehiro Iida, Kazuhiro Koshino, Jyoji Nakagawara, Yoshiaki Morita, Naoki Hashimura, Hisae Mori, Tetsu Satow, Jun C Takahashi, Tetsuya Fukuda, Koji Iihara, Hiroharu Kataoka. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2024 Aug 11:271678X241270416. doi: 10.1177/0271678X241270416. Online ahead of print.(共著)
・[123I]CLINDE SPECT as a neuroinflammation imaging approach in a rat model of stroke, Makiko Ohshima, Tetsuaki Moriguchi, Jun-ichiro Enmi, Hidekazu Kawashima, Kazuhiro Koshino, Tsutomu Zeniya, Masahiro Tsuji, Hidehiro Iida. Experimental Neurology, Volume 378, 2024, 114843. (共著)
・Rationalizing the Binding Modes of PET Radiotracers Targeting the Norepinephrine Transporter. Anna Tutov,Xinyu Chen, Rudolf A. Werner Saskia Mühlig, Thomas Zimmermann,Naoko Nose, Kazuhiro Koshino, Constantin Lapa, Michael Decker, andTakahiro Higuchi. Pharmaceutics 2023, 15(2), 690(共著)
・Generative adversarial network-created brain SPECTs of cerebral ischemia are indistinguishable to scans from real patients. Rudolf A. Werner, Takahiro Higuchi, Naoko Nose, Fujio Toriumi, Yohji Matsusaka, Ichiei Kuji & Koshino Kazuhiro. Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 18787 (2022). (共著)
・Molecular Imaging-Derived Biomarker of Cardiac Nerve Integrity — Introducing High NET Affinity PET Probe 18F-AF78. Xinyu Chen, Rudolf A. Werner, Kazuhiro Koshino, Naoko Nose, Saskia Mühlig, Steven P Rowe, Martin G. Pomper, Constantin Lapa, Michael Decker and Takahiro Higuchi. Theranostics. 2022; 12(9): 4446–4458. (共著)
・FDG-Labelled Stem Cell PET Imaging in Different route of Administrations and Multiple Animal Species. Naoko Nose, Suguru Nogami, Kazuhiro Koshino, Xinyu Chen, Rudolf A. Werner, Soki Kashima, Steven P. Rowe, Constantin Lapa, Kazuki Fukuchi and Takahiro Higuchi. Scientific Reports volume 11, May 2021, Article number: 10896(共著)
・Narrative review of generative adversarial networks in medical and molecular imaging. Kazuhiro Koshino, Rudolf A. Werner, Martin G. Pomper, Ralph A. Bundschuh, Fujio Toriumi, Takahiro Higuchi, Steven P. Rowe. Annals of Translational Medicine. Vol 9, No 9, May 2021(筆頭)
・Facile synthesis of 2-deoxy-2-[ 18 F]fluorosorbitol using sodium borohydride on aluminum oxide. Koki Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Koshino, Takahiro Higuchi. 2020 Oct 16. doi: 10.1002/jlcr.3887. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. Jan 2021 (共著)
・Synthesis of 18F-labeled streptozotocin derivatives and an in-vivo kinetics study using positron emission tomography. Kenji Arimitsu, Yusuke Yagi, Kazuhiro Koshino, Yukina Nishito, Takahiro Higuchi, Hiroyuki Yasui, Hiroyuki Kimura. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. Volume 30, Issue 17, 1 September 2020, 127400 (共著)
・Microstructural white matter changes following gait training with Hybrid Assistive Limb initiated within 1 week of stroke onset. Ando Daisuke, Yokota Chiaki, Koshino Kazuhiro, Yasuno Fumihiko, Sato Takeo, Yamamoto Akihide, Odani Hirotaka, Nakajima Takashi, Higuchi Takahiro, Tatsumi Eisuke. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2020 August;Volume 415, 15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jns.2020.116939 (共著)
・Stability of Distribution of Flurpiridaz F 18 after Transient Coronary Occlusion in Pigs. Werner RA, Koshino K, Arimitsu K, Lapa C, Javadi MS, Rowe SP, Nose N, Kimura H, Fukushima K, Higuchi T. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019 Nov;12(11 Pt 1):2269-2271. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2019.05.018. Epub 2019 Jul 17 (共著)
・The next era of renal radionuclide imaging: novel PET radiotracers. Rudolf A. Werner, Xinyu Chen, Constantin Lapa, Kazuhiro Koshino, Steven P. Rowe, Martin G. Pomper, Mehrbod S. Javadi, Takahiro Higuchi. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2019 2019 Aug;46(9):1773-1786. (共著)
・Initial evaluation of AF78: A rationally designed fluorine-18-labelled PET radiotracer targeting norepinephrine transporter. Xinyu Chen, Alexander Fritz, Rudolf A. Werner, Naoko Nose, Yusuke Yagi, Hiroyuki Kimura, Steven P. Rowe, Kazuhiro Koshino, Michael Decker, Takahiro Higuchi. Mol Imaging Biol (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11307-019-01407-5 (共著)
・Dendrite complexity of the posterior cingulate cortex as a substrate for recovery from post-stroke depression: A pilot study. Fumihiko Yasuno, Daisuke Ando, Akihide Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Koshino, Chiaki Yokota. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, May 2019; vol. 287:49-55 (共著)
・Generative Adversarial Networks for the Creation of Realistic Artificial Brain Magnetic Resonance Images. 2018 Dec;4(4):159-163 (筆頭)
・System evaluation of automated production and inhalation of 15O-labeled gaseous radiopharmaceuticals for the rapid 15O-oxygen PET examinations. EJNMMI Phys. 2018; 5: 37 (共著)
・L-serine-modified polyamidoamine dendrimer as a highly potent renal targeting drug carrier. PNAS 2018 ;115(41):10511-10516 (共著)
・One-pot enzymatic synthesis of L-[3-11C]lactate for pharmacokinetic analysis of lactate metabolism in rat brain. Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2018;64-65:28-33 (共著)
・Development of matrix metalloproteinase-targeted probes for lung inflammation detection with positron emission tomography. 2018. Scientific Reports.8(1):1-10 (共著)
・123I-labeled oxLDL is widely distributed throughout the whole body in mice. 2018. Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 52 (2): 144–153 (共著)
・Sequential PET estimation of cerebral oxygen metabolism with spontaneous respiration of 15O-gas in mice with bilateral common carotid artery stenosis. 2017. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 37(10):3334-3343 (共著)
・Influences of 3-dimensional PET scanner components on increased scatter evaluated by a Monte Carlo simulation. 2017. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 62(10):4017-4030 (共著)
・Binding of 11C-Pittsburgh Compound-B correlated with white matter injury in hypertensive small vessel disease. 2017. Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 31(3):227-234 (共著)
・Cerebral blood flow and metabolism associated with cerebral microbleeds in small vessel disease. 2016. Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 30:494-500 (共著)
・Quantitative Assessment of Regional Myocardial Blood Flow with Clinical SPECT. 2016. Annals of Nuclear Cardiology. 2: 111-121 (共著)
・頭部PET/CT 検査におけるCT とPET との位置ずれが再構成画像に及ぼす影響についての検討. 2016.日本放射線技術学会雑誌. 72: 1216-1221 (共著)
・15O ガスPET/CT 検査においてわずかな体動により臨床所見との乖離を示した症例についての検討. 2016. 脳循環代謝. 27: 215-224 (共著)
・PET quantification of cerebral oxygen metabolism in small animals. 2014. The Scientific World Journal.; vol.2014(電子版のみのため、ページの通し番号なし)(共著)
・Validity of using a 3-dimensional PET scanner during inhalation of 15O-labeled oxygen for quantitative assessment of regional metabolic rate of oxygen in man. 2014. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 59: 5593-609 (共著)
・Quantification of myocardial blood flow using 201Tl SPECT and population-based input function. 2014. Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 28: 917-25 (筆頭)
・Adequacy of a compartment model for CMRO2 quantitation using 15O-labeled oxygen and PET: a clearance measurement of 15O-radioactivity following intracarotid bolus injection of 15O-labeled oxyhemoglobin on Macaca fascicularis. 2014. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 34:1434-9 (共著)
・O-15 ガス PET における動脈採血を排除した入力関数推定法の妥当性. 2013. 脳循環代謝. 24: 33-37 (共著)
・Rapid quantitative CBF and CMRO2 measurements from a single PET scan with sequential administration of dual 15O-labeled tracers. 2013. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 33:440-8 (共著)
・Verification of a semi-automated MRI-guided technique for non-invasive determination of the arterial input function in 15O-labeled gaseous PET. 2013. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. 702: 111–113 (共著)
・Three-dimensional brain phantom containing bone and grey matter structures with a realistic head contour. 2013. Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 27: 25-36 (共著)
・Quantitative assessment of regional cerebral blood flow by dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MRI, without the need for arterial blood signals. 2012. Physics in Medicine and Biology.57:7873-7892 (共著)
・Monte Carlo estimation of scatter effects on quantitative myocardial blood flow and perfusable tissue fraction using 3D-PET and 15O-water. 2012. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 57: 7481-92 (共著)
・F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose uptake and water-perfusable tissue fraction in assessment of myocardial viability. 2012. Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 26: 644-55 (共著)
・Breath-hold CT attenuation correction for quantitative cardiac SPECT. 2012. EJNMMI Research. vol.2(電子版のみのため、ページの通し番号なし)(筆頭)
・Effects of patient movement on measurements of myocardial blood flow and viability in resting (15)O-water PET studies. 2012. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology.19: 524-533 (筆頭)
・Experimental pig model of old myocardial infarction with long survival leading to chronic LV dysfunction and remodeling as evaluated by PET. 2011. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 52: 761-8 (共著)
・Multicenter evaluation of a standardized protocol for rest and acetazolamide cerebral blood flow assessment using a quantitative SPECT reconstruction program and split-dose 123I-iodoamphetamine. 2010. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 51: 1624-1631 (共著)
・Long-term observation of auto-cell transplantation in non-human primate reveals safety and efficiency of bone marrow stromal cell-derived Schwann cells in peripheral nerve regeneration. 2010. Experimental neurology. 223: 537-547 (共著)
・Development of motion correction technique for cardiac 15O-water PET study using an optical motion tracking system. 2010. Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 24: 1-11 (筆頭)
・A physiologic model for recirculation water correction in CMRO2 assessment with 15O2 inhalation PET. 2009. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 29: 355-364 (共著)
・USB カメラを用いた医用画像のHardware-based Registration システムの開発. 2009. 生体医工学. 47: 574-581 (共著)
・Realization of reliable cerebral-blood-flow maps from low-dose CT perfusion images by statistical noise reduction using nonlinear diffusion filtering. 2008. Radiological Physics and Technology. 1: 62-74 (共著)
・An effective noise removal technique for recovering the shapes of diamond abrasive grains in SLM images degraded by clustered spike noise. 2007. Optik. 118: 187-194 (共著)
・Improved spike noise removal in the scanning laser microscopic image of diamond abrasive grain using wavelet transforms. 2004. Optics Communications. 239: 67-78 (筆頭)
・The application of a new predictive technique to lossless compression for medical images. 2002. Japanese Journal of Medical Physics. 22: 287-301 (筆頭)
・Spike noise removal in the scanning laser microscopic image of diamond abrasive grain using a wavelet transform. 2002. Optics Communications. 211: 73-83 (筆頭)
・Emission CT image reconstruction using the augmented Lagrangian method with a modified form of nonnegativity constraints. 2001. Japanese Journal of Medical Physics. 21: 157-173 (共著)
・The (π+,K+) Reaction and Light Lambda Hypernuclear Spectroscopy. 1998. Nuclear Physics A. 639: 93c-102c (共著)
・Structure of light Λ hypernuclei and the ΛN interaction. 1998. Nuclear Physics A. 629: 405-411 (共著)
・心筋血流定量のための基礎講座. 2016. 心臓核医学. Vol.18、No.1、pp.18-20(共著)
・虚血性心疾患で使用するモダリティ RI -PET・SPECT-、2013. CIRCULATION Up-to-Date. 8増刊: 85-92(共著)
・PET/SPECT機器・解析技術の進歩,2010. 生体医工学. 48:459-463(共著)
・核医学的測定法の進歩. 2010. 分子脳血管病. 9: 44-50(共著)
・PET装置ならびに関連技術の進歩. 2009. PETジャーナル. 5: 21-23(筆頭)
・神経画像法を用いた虚血性脳疾患の前臨床・臨床試験と病態把握. 2008. 循環器病研究の進歩. 48: 79-86(共著)
・心筋PET検査の有用性. 2008. Cardiac Imaging 2008(臨床画像2008年11月増刊号). 24: 157-164(筆頭)
・越野一博. PET検査における体動補正手法. 2008. Medical Imaging Technology. 26: 3-8(単著)
・PETによる脳・心臓循環代謝イメージング. 2006. クリニカルプラクティス. 25: 1135-1138(筆頭)
・PET/SPECT分子イメージング研究の展望. 2006. インナービジョン. 21: 18-24(共著)
・病態生理からみた心筋viability. 2006. 臨床放射線. 51: 1035-1041(共著)
・画像重ね合わせ手法の理論と基礎. 2004. インナービジョン. 19: 3-7(筆頭)
・画像重ね合わせ手法の概要と実例. 2004. 映像情報 Medical.; 36: 1342-1347(筆頭)
- 所属学会及び各種委員
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2012年 日本心臓核医学会 第12回 若手研究者奨励賞 優秀賞
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